adiCET Supports Academic Activities Promoting ”STEM Education to Career Integration Camp”

CMRU Faculty : วิทยาลัยพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจและเทคโนโลยีชุมชนแห่งเอเชีย | Date and Time : 28/02/2565

 On February 28, 2022, the College of Community Economics and Technology (adiCET) at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University organized an event for teachers and students from the 4th and 5th years of Yapparaj School. A total of 176 participants took part in this event, which was part of the academic promotion activity called 'STEM Education to Career Integration Camp'

The objective of this event was to provide students with knowledge from various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields to inspire them to continue their studies and future careers in STEM-related fields. adiCET divided the students into four groups, each focusing on different aspects of technology and alternative energy innovations, including:

1. Base 1: Introduction to Renewable Energy Technology and Energy Conservation.
2. Base 2: Visiting an exhibition on comprehensive bioenergy.
3. Base 3: Visiting a learning center for solar energy and the application of solar panels (SmartDOI project).
4. Base 4: Practical training on small-scale off-grid solar cells."

Activity details

Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs :

CMRU Strategic Plan :
Building and Transferring the Knowledge for Local Development

CMRU Service Plan :