Co-course Faculty of Management Science @Lanna Polytechnic College of Technology, Chiang Mai

CMRU Faculty : คณะวิทยาการจัดการ | Date and Time : 21 กันยายน 2566

Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Management Science, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, is collaborating on a co-course development project with educational institutions within the network (Co-Course). The Department of Business Administration, specializing in entrepreneurship, is conducting training activities for educational institutions under the topic "Business Opportunity Analysis and Seeking with BMC Tools" for students from Polytechnic College, Chiang Mai. Faculty members and students specializing in entrepreneurship are sharing their knowledge with the students.

The objective of the Co-Course collaboration project is to develop short-term courses that align with the needs of institutions within the network and establish collaborative networks with external educational institutions. Within this project, activities are carried out in collaboration with various departments to develop curricula and conduct joint activities with institutions within the network.

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